Foram encontrados 267 sinónimos nos 38 grupos
  1. 1
    Significado: enclose
    hold confine cage imprison corral shut in incarcerate immure
  1. 2
    Significado: debate
    discuss plead dispute differ
    argue hold reason talk about
  2. 3
    Significado: own
    contain retain hold
    occupy have possess
  3. 4
    Significado: place
    hold cell dungeon deep
    keep tower prison
  4. 5
    Significado: grasp
    hold handhold clutch purchase
    squeeze grip fist
  1. 6
    Significado: dam
    barricade block confine obstruct
    hold close hold back
  2. 7
    Significado: estimate
    think assess consider count
    deem hold judge reckon
  3. 8
    Significado: restrain
    contain hold suppress stop
    stifle check harness keep back
  4. 9
    Significado: sustain
    hold maintain keep preserve
    carry on continue protract
  5. 10
    Significado: state
    adhere cling hold cleave cohere
    abide persist remain stick
  6. 11
    Significado: consider
    estimate surmise deem judge
    look upon suppose hold regard
  7. 12
    Significado: shackle
    restrain bind fetter chain
    hold tie up imprison handcuff
  8. 13
    Significado: acknowledge
    admit disclose divulge hold
    confess declare avow
  9. 14
    Significado: capture
    apprehend appropriate pre-empt hold overcome
  10. 15
    Significado: stick
    hang adhere cohere hold
    fasten attach cleave cling to
  11. 16
    Significado: support
    strengthen brace fortify improve
    hold bear truss
  12. 17
    Significado: affirm
    declare state assert contend
    claim hold allege maintain
  13. 18
    Significado: action
    hold restrain detain maintain retain
    reserve have hold back keep
  14. 19
    Significado: cease
    pause rest desist
    hold stop halt
  15. 20
    Significado: possession
    have enjoy hold control
    dominate boast reserve own
  16. 21
    Significado: mental condition
    believe consider credit deem
    hold sense think feel
  17. 22
    Significado: harbour
    imagine cherish hold consider entertain
  18. 23
    Significado: activity
    use benefit hold
    process command enjoy
  19. 24
    Significado: remain
    hold continue exist last
    abide persist stay endure
  20. 25
    Significado: secure
    clamp grip fasten
    seize hold clinch
  21. 26
    Significado: stop
    arrest stay hold stem
    delay cut short halt check
  22. 27
    Significado: prison
    cell hold deep
    keep tower dungeon
  23. 28
    Significado: holding
    hold detention charge safekeeping
    captivity withholding retention
  24. 29
    Significado: keep
    hold detain maintain preserve
    reserve withhold retain
  25. 30
    Significado: check
    control govern harness constrain
    bridle hold suppress restrain
  26. 31
    Significado: clutch
    grab grip hold catch
    clasp seize grasp
  27. 32
    Significado: grip
    hold clutches grasp
  28. 33
    Significado: mastery
    hold possession grasp
  29. 34
    Significado: affirmation
    maintain assert hold allege affirm
    answer respond argue say
  30. 35
    Significado: celebrate
    hold dedicate honour keep
    regard solemnise solemnize observe
  31. 36
    Significado: body
    fist palm grip grasp
    hold paw duke hand
  32. 37
    Significado: opinion
    assume presume hold consider
    regard suppose take
  33. 38
    Significado: attraction
    attract draw hold take

Palavras semelhantes a hold

ᐅ Ver todos os sinônimos de hold | Significados e palavras semelhantes

Sinónimos anteriores e posteriores hold

  • hobby
  • hobgoblin
  • hobnob
  • hobnob with
  • hobo
  • hock
  • hodgepodge
  • hog
  • hogwash
  • hoist
  • hold
  • hold back
  • hold off
  • hold sway
  • hold up
  • hold up under
  • holder
  • holding
  • holding a view
  • holding up
  • holdings